Sprouted Coconuts

A few months after falling from the tree,  the brown coconuts sprout to become a baby coconut tree.  It will grow into a fully mature coconut tree in 4 years.  Sprouts have more vitamins and nutrients than they do in an un-sprouted form. About a week after sprouting, the sprouts will have the highest bioavailability of nutrients. Seeds must contain all of the important nutrients that a plant will need to grow in its initial days…

Sprouts can help with weight loss!  They are very high in nutrients but very low in calories! The fiber in sprouts helps to make you feel full, both by adding bulk to your bowels, but also by inhibiting the release of ghrelin, the hunger hormone that tells our mind that we are ready to eat something. This reduces overeating and snacking.

Sprouts contain a lot of enzymes which help boost the various metabolic processes and chemical reactions within the body, specifically when it comes to digestion. They help to break down food effectively and increase the absorption of nutrients by the digestive tract. The fiber found in sprouts bulks up the stool, making it easier to pass through the digestive tract. Fiber stimulates gastric juices, which aid the enzymes already found in sprouts in breaking down food. Sprouts can clear constipation and diarrhea and help prevent colorectal cancer.

Sprouts are a rich source of protein, which is necessary for the creation and maintenance of cells, organ repair, skin regeneration, bone growth, and muscle development. Sprouts can replace meat as a source of protein for many people.  Antioxidants Iron and Copper are also found in sprouts.

Sprouts are heart healthy!  They are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids.   They are considered good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) and reduce the harmful cholesterol in your blood vessels. Omega-3 fatty acids are also anti-inflammatory, decreasing the stress on your cardiovascular system.  The potassium in sprouts also helps to reduce blood pressure, since potassium helps dilate the blood vessels, increasing circulation and oxygenation, lowering the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Sprouts can boost the immune system, since they contain antioxidants Vitamin C and Vitamin A.  Vitamin C is a stimulant for the white blood cells in the body to fight off infection and disease.

Much of the nutritive value of sprouts is lost when they are heated, so it is important to try to eat them raw.

Health Benefits of Sprouts.  Organic Facts.  Retrieved from : https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/seed-and-nut/sprouts.html
Sprouters also called “Baby Coconut Trees” or “Keoki”.  Coconut Information.  Retrieved from http://www.coconutinformation.com/sprouted-coconut
You can find Kiane at his meetup group:  https://meetup.com//ReturningtoNature/

Opening Coconuts with Kiani

Coconuts are a versatile food item rich in calories, vitamins, and minerals. They are a  good source of B-complex vitamins such as folates, riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, and pyridoxine.  Coconut meat and water contain a good amount of potassium. Coconut water is refreshing drink!   It is packed with sugars, electrolytes, minerals, and bioactive compounds and enzymes that aid in digestion and metabolism.  Cytokinins in coconut water have shown significant anti-ageing, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-thrombotic effects in studies.

The coconut kernel is a wonderful source of minerals like copper, calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, and zinc.  Much of the calories come from the fats and protein. Caution if you have heart disease though, as the meat does have saturated fat.   However, the saturated fatty acid in the coconut is lauric acid, which can increase good HDL cholesterol levels in the blood.


Coconut Nutrition Facts.  Nutrition and You.  Retrieved from http://www.nutrition-and-you.com/coconut.html