Can too much protein can adversely affect your health?

You can never have too much of a good thing, right? Unfortunately, in regards to protein, specifically animal protein, there is increasing evidence to show that too much animal protein can be harmful. This is a follow up to my last article regarding protein supplementation. Protein supplementation is often sourced from whey protein, found in dairy products. Recent fad diets, such as the Atkins or other similar low carbohydrate diets, also have placed a heavy emphasis on animal protein.

Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey indicate that  Americans get as much as 46% of their protein from animal products and 16% of their protein from dairy products. Plant protein made up about 30% of intake.      ( 8% of protein was not classified). Chicken and beef were the primary sources of animal protein; while cheese, milk , and dairy desserts were the main sources of dairy protein intake. Plant protein sources included mostly bread, nuts, and seeds.(1)

One adverse effect of high animal protein intake is an increased risk of kidney stones. The connection between high protein intake and kidney stone onset or recurrence has been demonstrated in a large epidemiologic study carried out in male healthy male subjects, published in the New England Journal of Medicine . (2)  A reduction in animal protein intake is very effective in preventing kidney stone relapse combined with a reduction in salt intake and an increase in fruit and vegetable intake, whereas a high protein low carbohydrate diet can contribute to the formation of kidney stones.(3)

In addition, high protein intake is associated with renal insufficiency since the kidney filters the protein in the body.  In those with renal insufficiency, lower protein intake may slow the progression of advanced renal disease.(4)  There is also an increased risk of diabetes type 2 with a diet higher in animal protein and a modestly reduced risk with a higher intake of vegetable protein.(5)

Therefore, if  you are concerned about getting enough protein for building muscle, I recommend getting vegetable protein instead of animal protein. In the International Study of Macro-/micronutrients and Blood Pressure (INTERMAP), patients who have lower risk for cardiovascular disease had a higher intake of vegetable protein and lower intake of animal protein.(6)  A diet with a higher proportion of protein from plant sources is associated with lower mortality in those with chronic kidney disease as well.(7) As I mentioned from my last article though, it is unlikely you really need the extra protein supplement at all.

(1) Pasiakos, Stefan M. et al. “Sources and Amounts of Animal, Dairy, and Plant Protein Intake of US Adults in 2007–2010.” Nutrients 7.8 (2015): 7058–7069. PMC. Web. 24 July 2016.
(2) Curhan, Gary C. et al. “A Prospective Study of Dietary Calcium and Other Nutrients and the Risk of Symptomatic Kidney Stones.” N Engl J Med 328 (1993): 833-838. Web. 24 July 2016.
(3) Nouvenne, Antonio et al. “Fad Diets and Their Effect on Urinary Stone Formation.” Translational Andrology and Urology 3.3 (2014): 303–312. PMC. Web. 24 July 2016.
(4) Levey, AS et al.  “Dietary protein restriction and the progression of chronic renal disease: what have all of the results of the MDRD study shown? Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study group.”  J Am Soc Nephrol. 1999 Nov;10(11):2426-39.  Web.  24 July 2016.
(5) Malik, VS et al.  “Dietary Protein Intake and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in US Men and Women.”  Am J Epidemiol. 2016 Apr 15;183(8):715-28.  Web.  24 July 2016.
(6) Elliot, P et al.  “Association between protein intake and blood pressure: the INTERMAP Study.”  Arch Intern Med. 2006 Jan 9;166(1):79-87.  Web.  24 July 2016.

(7) Chen, X et al.  “The Associations of Plant Protein Intake With All-Cause Mortality in CKD.”  Am J Kidney Dis. 2016 Mar;67(3):423-30.  Web.  24 July 2016.

No Poo

“No Poo” is short for “No Shampoo”.  I have almost been avoiding shampoo for about a year now.  It has actually been surprisingly good for my hair.  It all started when I noticed that my hair was getting very knotted and dry after using shampoo, and then I would need a lot of conditioner to pull a brush through it which would weigh down my hair.  I did some searching on the internet, and I saw that some people were using this “no poo” method to wash their hair without commercial shampoos.  I am about 90% “no poo” now.

On days I do not go to work, sometimes I just wash my hair with water.  When I do go to work, I use baking soda (1 tbsp) in water (1 cup) for my shampoo and 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water in a spray bottle for my conditioner.  I find avoiding shampoo has been really good for me.  My scalp is able to release natural oils to hydrate my hair, and it is no longer as dry as it was. My hair is much healthier appearing and has natural body.  The commercial shampoo was drying out my hair, and the conditioner was weighing it down.  There is an adjustment period where my hair was a little oily, but now my hair is much better.  It rarely ever gets tangled.

I still use shampoo after getting into a chlorine pool.  I find it is exceedingly difficult to get chlorine completely out of my hair unless I use shampoo.   I try to use shampoos with natural ingredients (and not man-made chemicals) when I can to decrease exposure to toxic ingredients found in beauty products.  In general, I wash my hair a lot less, which is good for my hair.  Plus, it saves me a lot of money on shampoo and conditioner!  People ask me if my hair smells because I don’t use shampoo.  It does not really smell like anything.  It is odorless.  There is not a bad smell.

If you find that the commercial beauty products are drying out your hair like I did, maybe give “no poo” a go!


Starting a Hydroponic Garden

Karmi of Hawaiian Hydroponics shows us how to start a hydroponic garden by planting seeds in rock wool in this episode!  Stay tuned for more episodes with Karmi about gardening!

You can find Karmi at:

Hawaiian Hydroponics and Garden

4224 Waialae Avenue

Honolulu, HI 96816
