Diving with Dolphins

This week  I am posting a video swimming with dolphins!  I wanted to show how enjoyable it is to swim with dolphins in their natural environment.  I think these creatures are beautiful, and I would like to point out some things we can do as individuals to make sure the next generation can enjoy them as well:

  1.  Do not buy tickets to a dolphin show or any event where you can touch the dolphins where they are kept in a small enclosure.   Some of you have probably seen the movie “THE COVE” which shows us how the slaughter of 20,000 dolphins, porpoises, and small whales occurs in Japan each year. Fishermen herd whole families of dolphins into shallow bays and mercilessly stab and drown them to death.  If you have not seen this movie, I highly recommend it.  There is a link above to the movie.
  2. There are many accidental deaths caused by fishing nets, specially those deployed by tuna ships.  If you can avoid eating fish, or at least buy tuna that is “dolphin-safe”, that will help decrease this needless slaughter.
  3. Speak out to your legislature against sound pollution that occurs in the seas and other environmental issues that affect marine life.
  4. Decrease use of plastic which often ends up in the ocean and gets eaten by dolphins and other marine life.
  5. Use phosphate free detergent and soaps.
  6. Try not to use insecticides as these chemicals drain into the ocean.

Happy viewing!


What can you do.  [Web post].  Retrieved from http://wilddolphin.org/you.html.